Jumat, 12 April 2013

First off, a brand new post is up on Psychology Today (one never before seen on this blog):

Sunlight and ADHD

Secondly, the blog has been a bit quiet of late because I am busy trying to get some real work done on the book. The deadline for a solid first draft is fast approaching.

In light of some shake-up in the blogosphere and the recent paleo debunking fad, I do plan a little post about what I think of the "paleo-style" diet (though long-time readers probably know my opinion already).

Also, for any of you who speak Polish, many of my articles have been translated�here is the link from Joanna Satula-McGirr: http://mojapsychologia.pl/eksperci/13,emily_deans_m_d/

Stay tuned!

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